Wednesday 11 November 2009

Running on water

Hay there from the last post I have not had much hard work to share with you as most things were just floating around in my head on how to do things such as this piece of work called running on water a short piece that I did for a mock advertisment for Nike! And more importantly a test shoot for my next big project which I'm really excited about and I want to share it with you but I can't yet but I will be shooting shortly,

I had a few problems during this shoot below but I manged to get out of from help by fellow photographers such as ben turner who is pictured in the shoot below ( )
The shoot was planned to be running on water to show a sort of godness in the model by pushing the elements to his advantage, I think that they have worked out really well considering I have not touched the dark side of Photoshop before as I just couldn't get a strong enough light to take them in just a single shot

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